Toddler 1

This past Wednesday Beckett & Eli moved from the Older Infants class to the Toddler 1 class.  This class is for little ones starting around 18 months to 24 months depending on developmental readiness.  I was really sad to see them leave their teacher in the Older Infants class.  She was wonderful!  But the boys are so big (the size of the average 3 year old according to their doctor :-) and it was time.  They need a new challenge.

May 26th.. first day of Toddler 1

19 month old Eli rolls his eyes at mom's antics

They have started carrying their new backpacks Dee Dee gave them to school each day with their items. On Tuesdays they will have water days.  On Friday show and tell and bring a fruit to share. Mom has to up her game to remember all these things!  

B's ready to go!

Bye Bye Eli says.. come on Beckett!

On the first day mom and I took them together.  They did fine.  They sat right down, got their mats and started playing with the toys.  I, on the other hand, barely kept it together.  There new teacher is very different and completely opposite personality of their last teacher, so I am struggling to give her a fair chance.  I still love the aides for this class though.  I am excited by all the plans they have for the summer!  They have summer camp and programs that include water play, camping out, beaches, rainforest, community friends (policeman & firefighters), dinosaurs and much more.   

I know they are going to do well and this class is important because they start "pre potty" training.  We will go full force at 24 months.  How can time go so fast!  Getting to be such big boys.  I can't wait to see what they learn!