At 14 Months

This week the boys will be 14 months old. Really. I LOVE 14 months!! It's like the boys turned a year and then hyper speed started growing up.  They are such little toddlers.

So what are we up to at 14 months?  We are sleeping 11 or 12 hours a night.  Eating big boy stuff!  I was amazed that just today they ate quiche, pancakes, chicken, broccoli, peas, corn, plantains, ham, squash casserole, and peas. Such good boys! We went to the doctor for sinus infections (all cleared up now) a couple of weeks ago so I was fortunate to get a height and weight check. Beckett was 1 oz shy of 27 lbs and Eli was 2 oz shy of 26 lbs.  They both were still holding steady at 31 inches. At this visit, we also had the scare with chickenpox.. check out these bumps little Eli woke up with one morning!  Still aren't sure what they are but fortunately they didn't spread so either he has some weird, mild case because he was vaccinated or he got bit by some weird bug.. either way.. scared momma!

Milestone .. eliminating bottles.  I was extremely emotional about the last one going.  I did great on the day time bottles and we were down to one last night time bottle.  I cried when I gave the last one.  And wouldn't you know, the next night its like the boys didn't even notice!  They took their big boy cups, drank their milk, and off to bed we went.  It's mom that had the hardest time!  Now we wake up and sit in our chairs or cuddle in bed with mom and dad while we drink our milk like big boys.  Here is Beckett with one of our last bottles ..

Big boys drinking milk..

Milestone... big boy shoes. We really never bought nice shoes before they started school because honestly we never really made them wear them!  At school they wear shoes though.  So a few weeks ago, we went to Dillard's and "shoe shopped" with the boys.  They had their little sweet boy feet measured by the sales lady.  Beckett is a 5 1/2 wide and Eli is a 5.  They got their first pair of Stride Rites.  We love them!  Shortly after, Ma sent us our first pair of Pedipeds.. They are my favorite.  They both fit their little feet so well and the quality is amazing.  However, they look entirely too grown up!

Beckett is becoming much more agile and quick.  His crawling has progressed, he has mastered the in and out of chairs, he can finally sit down when standing up on something, he chases Eli all over the place!  He is a biter though.  I am embarrased to show results of his efforts on Eli.. its awful.  We are working on that.  School has no issues... He hasn't bit at school but if Eli gets in his space, takes a toy, or bothers him.. he bites the fire out of him!  And I agree with Eli.  It hurts!  At school, his teacher's love him.  He always gets "happy" reports.  He has gotten several that he has learned to put his toys away after mat time. He also has learned some signed language.. More & Milk are his 2 most popular.  And he is a cuddly bundle of love.  He will crawl over to me and pull my leg or crawl over and grab me and he just hugs and hugs! Here are some sweet pics and short video of my little man. 

Eli is a climbing monkey.  He wants to be on top of anything.. coffee tables, end tables, couches, chairs, play tables, inside dump trucks, you name it!  He has words.. he actually has started with phrases rather than single words.  He has "all done" with the sign for that.  Uses very appopriately.  Shoes which sounds more like "suz".  Hey.. Hey Dad, Hey There, Yep, I Do, Thank You and most importantly "Uh-oh!"  Some other words that are hit or miss are "bye bye", "hot dog", "good job".  He will imitate you or if he hears it on tv or someone else, he will say those.  He says "ice" and signs milk meaning drink.  He is strong willed to say the least but surprisingly shy.  He is very cautious with strangers and loud sounds.  And the walking!  It has started.  He has been cruising and talking a couple of steps here or their for a couple of weeks.  This weekend he really started putting steps together.  Please ignore the was Sunday afternoon pajama day!

They are so cute playing together.  Rarely ever do they go in opposite directions. If Eli is playing in the pen, Beckett is there.  If Beckett heads off down the hallway, Eli is not far behind.  If you take Eli back for a diaper change in the nursery, you can bet you will see a Beckett head peep around the corner.  Giggles.. oh so many giggles.  One of the reasons this time is so sweet and fun.

I am grateful for each moment, each day, each memory.  Each month keeps getting better and better!  We are grateful to everyone that prays for us and sends us support, love, and encouragement.  We are looking forward to many many more milestones and memories :-)


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