We Can Sing & "Walk"

We have discovered Beckett & Eli's secret singing skills.  I think they will take after their Uncle Bubba :-)  Again very difficult to catch on camera but this weekend I got a small clip of both singing their favorite songs.  You might have to listen closely..

Beckett's favorite song is "Wheels on the bus".  The nanny sings this song and always have.  Beckett being the more sensitive of the two always cried a little more when he was a baby.  So we joke that his favorite part is "babies on the bus go wah wah wah"..  Now he likes to do it too! Even with the hiccups :-)

Eli's favorite song includes E-I-E-I-O.. Old McDonald's farm! Sometimes we say Eli Eli O and I think that's why he loves it.. of course he is very busy while we make this video.

Eli also has been practicing his "walking".  I can't believe how close he is getting!  He concentrates so hard with his sweet walking toy.  Won't be long!!


These two are TOO BIG!!!  Hope you enjoy :-)


The Rileys
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