Our "6 month" check up

We had our "6 month" check up with Dr. Bel this week.  As always, we continue to be a month behind so we are actually 7 months.  I was blessed to have a morning off to take the babies.  The nanny went with me to help me. She loves that the doctor and nurse speak Spanish.  It helps me too so the doctor can tell her and she can understand what we are introducing (food wise) and other things to work on.

When we got back with the nurse and started measuring the nurse says, "I can't believe they are twins!" and I say, "I know, they don't look alike." and the other nurse starts laughing and says "No! They are so big!!"  Ha!  I should have known.  The doctor was so impressed with the growth in our height that she had the nurse remeasure because she thought it was a mistake.  Beckett grew 4 1/2 inches and Eli grew 4 inches in 2 months! They are measuring in at 28 1/2 and 28 inches. We moved from the 10th percentile to the 75th percentile!  Yeah!  She said she was not concerned at all with their eating.  Beckett weighed 22 lbs and 6 ozs (90th percentile) and Eli weighed 20 lbs 12 ozs (76th percentile)  Can you believe we are such big boys???  To think they weighed 5 lbs at birth and were only in the 3rd and 5th percentile at the their first appointment.  Of course, their heads remained large. Beckett in the 97th and Eli in the 91st.  Praise the Lord for such growth and good health of my baby twin boys.

Developmentally we got a slow start from the beginning being born early and we continue to be a little behind.  We were late to roll and now we are late for a couple of things.  We should be sitting up better.  We are really supported sitters.  We wobble a lot and aren't too stable.  Large head size has some to do with that but she gave us some exercises to help us get better.  We have been practicing in the last few days and I can already see improvement!  Also, we aren't really interested in feeding ourselves.  By now the boys should be able to pick food up off their tray and feed it to themselves.  If we hold the food out (crackers, etc) they will grab it and Beckett will go straight for the mouth.  Eli likes to waive it around in the air and then drop in, look over the side of the high chair and laugh. We are practicing the food grab and in the mouth.  We have had some good laughs trying to convince them to pick up the items and eat them.  

No teeth yet!  She says we look like they are "thinking about it" but no definite puffs or teeth coming through. 

Everything else looked great!  We got the go ahead to introduce meat.  We started with turkey.  Earth's Best Vegetable Turkey Dinner and Sweet Pea Turkey Wild Rice have been on the lunch menu around here this week.  So far so good. 

We got our shots (they are so brave). There are no shots at our next visit (9 month) so we will be able to get back on schedule with that visit which puts us back to the doctor at the end of July.  We can show Dr. Bel how well we have been doing our big boy exercises.

I just thank our Father for watching over these boys and blessing us with such healthy, happy babies.  It makes my heart happy to be their mom and I love that when people spend time with the boys, they always comment on how happy they are.  They are a blessing to our family and I love watching them grow.  Thank you to everyone who prayed for them before they were even born and continues to pray for our family daily.   Beckett & Eli love you!


The Riley's