Beckett and Eli are 2 weeks old

Eli and Beckett 2 weeks old

On Thursday, my sweet baby boys were 2 weeks old. I can't believe how fast time is passing by. They seem to change each and every day. I love seeing them become more alert, try new things, and get more established in our every day life and routines. They had their 2 week visit to the pediatrician. Eli weighed 5 lbs 11 ozs and Beckett weighed 5 lbs 8 ozs. Both were back over their original birthweight which means the night time feedings can go to every 4 hours rather than 3. We are still on every 3 in daytime but we can shoot for letting them sleep 4 hours at night. Beckett is making it about 3 and 1/2 but Eli is not sleeping really at all at night. We are working on that. Their jaundice has completely cleared up and their skin is starting to look so good. Poor babies have pink eye but other than that we got a great report from Dr. Bel. Assuming that we don't have any issues, we will got back for their 2 month visit.

Elijah Luke Riley
2 weeks old
November 12, 2009

The boys are so different! Not only to the look different, but they are developing such different temperaments and personalities. Elijah has a fair complexion with light hair. He looks like my dad or brother. A little Roberts. He is the more sensitive one and throws huge fits (just like his mom?) When we went to the doctor, they had a test done where they had blood drawn from his heel. Beckett went first and cried during the stick but after a minute had calmed down as the tech continued to squeeze and get the blood. Eli on the other hand immediately threw a fit, head back, arms in the air - he literally loses his breath and turns purple around the mouth - that was just from the alcohol swab! He screamed pretty much until we got back to the car. Beckett has a darker complexion like his dad with dark hair. He is laid back and easy going. Fusses a little but doesn't really throw fits. They both love the swing and their pacis. Because Beckett was in the NICU and spent so much time alone with his paci, he is very good at holding on to it. He can take his little hand and keep it from falling out. Eli - not so much. It is more of a suck, suck, drop the paci, scream routine.

Beckett Ryan Riley
2 weeks old
November 12, 2009

We had their newborn pictures this week. You hear about twins wanting to be together and cuddle since they were so close in the womb. Not mine! Beckett doesn't mind but Eli screams if Beckett touches him. We had to turn the heat way up, get them really tired, wrap them in warm blankets and shush them to get them really really sleepy to put them touching for pictures. As soon as Eli would open his eyes and realize he was touching his brother and start screaming. Eli will play on the play gym on the floor so good, but as soon I put his brother beside him, he starts screaming! Needless to say we have not tried the joint breast feeding session. I don't think Eli would appreciate sharing!

I went to the doctor this week too for my 2 week check up. Still concerned about my blood pressure. I am on medication and looks like I will stay on it. It has come down a little but not enough. I was cleared to drive! I haven't driven because of bed rest in over a month. I finally went out to run errands on Friday and I feel like I have been in a coma. Its Christmas! All the store had Christmas displays.. I love it! I am starting to feel like myself again. The good news is the weighed me at my doctors appt and I have lost 38 lbs in 2 weeks!! That means I have 28 more to go so I am more than 1/2 way there. Can't wait to start wearing my "real" clothes again.

Thank you so much to everyone who prayed for us through our journey, our pregnancy, our delivery, and continues to pray for our family. We have been so moved by God's faithfulness and goodness. I look at these boys and count my blessings every day. Even when I haven't had any sleep, I enjoy each moment as I know how many people would change places with me and how many people struggle the way I did. Great is His Faithfulness!

Eli on his play gym

Beckett on play gym

Beckett in his swing, favorite paci, new favorite swaddle blanket

Justin with Beckett and play gym

Eli spending some "man" time with Justin

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