Dee Dee and Her Boys

We have been so blessed to have my mom here to help us with the boys. I seriously would have gone crazy and Justin and I might be on the splits right not without her. She is loving being a grandma and has taken very good care of us and her boys. She wants to throw all my baby instructional books away especially Healthy Twins, Healthy Sleep Habits which doesn't let you hold the babies while they sleep. She loves to hold them all the time. And would let them sleep on her 24 hours a day. She has been taking turns staying up at night with the babies. She is much better at it as she is a night owl who requires little to know sleep. Here is an example of true grandmother love. Warning: not for the faint at heart so you may want to stop here!

After we had been home for 2 days, we checked our charts and Eli had not had a dirty diaper in about 24 hours and he was super fussy. I asked Jennifer - the boys personal nurse and angel who looks after them and she said to try a rectal temperature and that will usually get things going. Being the brave new mom, I got Dee Dee and we headed off to the nursery for the dreaded task. Fortunately, we didn't have to complete. As soon as Dee Dee took off his diaper and held up his legs. He started going! On Dee Dee.. I was laughing so hard all I could do was grab the camera. As you can see she took a direct hit. Ah.... true love :-)

If you read this post before, you know there were funny poop pictures here. However, my husband demanded that I take them down as he said he had his "friends" call and complain that it was disgusting. I thought it was funny and I am sorry if I offended. To keep the peace around here, I am removing the pictures at his request though I remain unhappy about the censorship.

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