Boy Oh Boy! Houston Baby Shower

This past weekend was my baby shower here in Houston given by 2 of my dear friends from our Sunday school class The Big Time at Houston First Baptist. These ladies know how to throw a shower! No detail was left out. We had a great turnout. I enjoyed the morning so much. Everyone was so gracious and generous to in their gifts as well as their time to come to the shower. We have only been members of the class for a few months so I was able to talk to many of the women for the first time. I was reflecting on the shower afterwards during my prayer time just thinking how God finds so many ways to show us His love for us. He has used this class and these very special people to love us even though many of them haven't even met us! What a testimony of Christian love. I tear up (and did many many times at the shower) just thinking of how many people have embraced us and love our little boys too! It was special to have my mom here as well. She flew in from Bama for the weekend and enjoyed the shower. I was overwhelmed by how much we received that we needed... We are blessed!

The "flower" arrangement - little tiny baby socks

The best idea! The hostess had thank you notes printed with the babies names and had the envelopes there. Each guest addressed the envelope to themself... so all I have to do is write the note and drop in the mail.

The cake Tami made... taste even better

My sweet hostesses Tami and Jennifer

Opening presents!!

The favors.. made by Jennifer and decorated by Tami