Luckenbach, Tx Population 3

So right outside of Fredericksburg is Luckenbach, Tx. Home of the Luckenbach Dancehall made famous by Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson. Of course we had to stop by there! So we made our way to the middle of nowhere and turned down a little road and we were there. Population 3 says the sign. Justin pulls up and there are all these RV's and campfires that morning and old guys with bandana's and long beards and cowboy hats sitting around drinking coffee. He gets out and realizes he has his flip flops on, goes back to the car and puts on his cowboy boots to go inside! He makes friends with the guy in the general store and gets a cup of coffee for the tour of the little place. They regularly have live music and we missed it the day before! Justin was devastated. He walked around and talked to every old man there. Yep, we are in town from Alabama and my wife she is a clogger. And did I tell you she also plays the fiddle? Isn't this cool? Yep, her brother has a band too.. Anyway. He seriously talked about it all the way home. It did seem like a fun place for a Texas throwdown. I am sure we will be back. If not at least we got the shirts :-)

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