Honduras, Haiti, Africa, Our Heart

One month today Dad and I will be in San Pedro, Honduras starting our adventure with Living Water International.  I cannot even tell you the blessings I have received regarding this trip, the letters, the notes of encouragement but most importantly this.. my entire trip is paid for!  I had great response to my blog and letters that I sent asking for help with this awesome ministry and opportunity.  The Lord showed up in so many ways showing me that yes, I do want you on this trip. Yes, you are walking in my plan.  

The stories are endless but one of the most amazing things is this.   I was talking to my family and said to them, "I'm almost there!  I have about $200 left and the trip is paid."  The next thing I knew, I get a text (literally within minutes) from my sweet friend that said "my husband I want to complete your fundraising for your mission trip, how much do you need?"  God shows up.  So I tell her, $200 even because that is what I thought the remaining balance was.  That weekend  my aunt gave me an envelope that she has been meaning to send me.  I didn't open it right then but put it in my purse.  When I got back to Houston, I got an email from the church saying that I just needed $50 more to complete my trip.  I open my Aunt's envelope and yep.. you got it.  A check for $50!!

We had several meetings so far to prepare us for the trip.  We know our hotel and travel plans and locations.  We get to attend church their on Sunday which I am looking forward to.  We have the basic concept of drilling squared away as well as quite the extensive ins and outs of packing.  

lots of help at my recent meeting at church 
I recently picked up my travel meds.  Malaria medication and a "just in case" antibiotic.  Appointment set for next week to get some vaccinations.  

One of the main things I have to now is assemble my "prayer dream team".  I am blessed that I have so many readers of this blog that have offered support not only financially but also willingness to pray.   Before we leave, I will post a timeline of specific prayer request while we are on the trip.  Also a special hashtag that you can follow on instagram.  Now, I am asking for continued prayers for the members of the team.  

Brad, Charles, Allison, Micah, James, Ashleigh, Femi, myself and Dad. 

Pray for our safe arrival and arrival of bags and gear.  Pray for the team as we prepare.  Also pray for our families that are supporting us by helping with kids, responsibilities, etc. My sweet little ones have never been away from mommy for more than 2 days.  Please keep Beckett and Eli in your prayers that they adjust well and the time passes quickly for them until they are in my arms again. 

In other super exciting news, the spirit is moving in Justin too!  He is signed up and on board to go to Haiti with Faithbridge/Living Water International in September.  I am thrilled for him of course. I know God is working something big in our hearts by making it possible for us both to do missions this year.  You will hear much more about his trip coming up I'm sure. He has already been hitting me up to get his letter prepared for support.  I think it is awesome too. So many people told me that they wanted to support me if I ever go again because they didn't get a chance this time.  Now, support can go to Justin in this very important work.  How did Haiti come about?

Well, once we officially called off the Disney vacation, Justin had vacation back in the bank.  We were talking one night and I said, "you know that means you could do a mission trip this year."  That day I had read a blog about Heart for Haiti that just moved me to tears.  If you don't know much about Haiti, I encourage you to read up on the situation there.  It is heartbreaking that a country so close the borders of the prosperous USA could have such devastating conditions.  Tent City.  Google it.  I said "why don't you go to Haiti".  Justin says to me "I can tell you one thing. I might go on a mission trip but it won't be to Haiti."  The next week he calls a friend that is a pastor at a church in Alabama to discuss mission opportunity.  The pastor says "that's funny. I was just putting together a trip to Haiti, why don't you join us!"  Little did he know that why he was out of town that week I had the most vivid dreams of him in Haiti.   Well, the Alabama/Haiti trip wasn't exactly what Justin wanted to do so about a month ago he talked to our missions pastor at church to find out about any open  spots they had on trips for the rest of the year.  Guess where the need was?  The Haiti trip!  So do you think God is trying to get Justin to Haiti or what??

As I have said before, Justin and I both feel a call towards fostering or adopting in some way.  While we are praying about what that looks like us we don't feel the time is right with his job and amount of travel to really bring another child in our home.  We decided to do the next best thing and support a child.  After falling in love with Katie Davis, Uganda, and the work God is doing there we decided to send one of Katie's organizations children to school.  $300 a year for this sweet girl to have a chance in life.  

Meet Miriam.  She is 12 and lives in Uganda with her mother, brother and 2 cousins.  The boys are amazed that she lives in a house made of mud and want to go see her "mud house".  She wants to be hairdresser.  So precious this girl.  Praying for her and her family.

Our hearts and lives have definitely been growing and changing.  Evaluating our definitions of success and plans for the future.  God is working in our lives and we are taking it day by day struggling to be patient as we wait on the next step to the plan.  

If you haven't read these books, try them out.  We are huge Hatmaker fans over here and laugh daily at Jen Hatmaker's antics on Facebook.. especially when they land her on the Today show!  I have some funny commentary from my hubby now that he has finished 7.  I won't spoil it for you by telling you to much but if you love sarcastic, real life humor Jen Hatmaker is for you! We love what they are doing at Austin New Church.  Both her and Brandon have fantastic blogs as well. 

This was recently one of my morning devotions and it truly spoke to me and my decision to go to Honduras.  

Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. Luke 24:47

 The name of Jesus is to be exalted in all the earth. This message is to be shared among all nations. None are to be excluded, none are to be considered above, or beneath, this proclamation.
We observe where this message is to be taken: it is to be preached among all nations. How utterly we miss the point if we think the command is fulfilled by only declaring the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ from our safe pulpits and within the walls of our own home!

Will you be a faithful witness today? Will you support those God-sent heralds whose beautiful feet are trekking the planet for the glory of Christ?

God sent heralds.  It is a honor and a privilege to serve.. One month and counting!!

The Riley's