Happy Birthday Daddy!
On Thursday the 15th we celebrated Justin's 31st birthday! He is in total denial about his age "over 30" now my friend. But anyway, we like to have fun and make birthday's a big deal around here. Beckett and Eli did a great job making wrapping paper for their daddy's present. A got a role of white paper at Target and washable markers and let them have at it. They loved it. Eli also made really great "tummy art" too!
On birthday morning we start bright and early. The boys gave their dad their gift all wrapped up in their special paper. Actually they really like helping their dad unwrap the present which was a picture that Justin took of the boys at a little store near their great grandparents house in Alabama. Its a "classic coke" picture I found an artist on line that puts them on wood and makes it vintage so it looks like an a real old Coke sign. It turned out great. As soon as Eli & Beckett unwrapped it they kept pointing at it and saying their names. Very exciting stuff.
So I was so busy with the creative wrap and Beckett being sick that my present (a new GPS to replace the stolen one) didn't really get wrapped. And no, I did not get the GPS at Bath Body Works but it was the best I could do :-)
Thursday night we took dad to dinner and margaritas at Lupe Tortilla where the boys had a great time throwing rocks in the fountain while we ate and all the other parents gave us dirty looks because we should stop our kids :-) Oh well.. it really occupied them and we got to enjoy our dinner!
I told Justin in his card that I remember so well the first one of his birthdays that we spent together. George Strait concert in Charlotte, NC while he was still in college. He was turning 22 so next year will be 10 years of birthdays spent together! We have always had so much fun and made each and every year special. Each year is precious and our family is am blessed to have so many memories with him. Looking forward to next year!
On birthday morning we start bright and early. The boys gave their dad their gift all wrapped up in their special paper. Actually they really like helping their dad unwrap the present which was a picture that Justin took of the boys at a little store near their great grandparents house in Alabama. Its a "classic coke" picture I found an artist on line that puts them on wood and makes it vintage so it looks like an a real old Coke sign. It turned out great. As soon as Eli & Beckett unwrapped it they kept pointing at it and saying their names. Very exciting stuff.
So I was so busy with the creative wrap and Beckett being sick that my present (a new GPS to replace the stolen one) didn't really get wrapped. And no, I did not get the GPS at Bath Body Works but it was the best I could do :-)
Thursday night we took dad to dinner and margaritas at Lupe Tortilla where the boys had a great time throwing rocks in the fountain while we ate and all the other parents gave us dirty looks because we should stop our kids :-) Oh well.. it really occupied them and we got to enjoy our dinner!
I told Justin in his card that I remember so well the first one of his birthdays that we spent together. George Strait concert in Charlotte, NC while he was still in college. He was turning 22 so next year will be 10 years of birthdays spent together! We have always had so much fun and made each and every year special. Each year is precious and our family is am blessed to have so many memories with him. Looking forward to next year!