Where Have We Been?

Since my blog started, the weeks without posts have been few and far between.  I constantly think about updating it but life has thrown a few curveballs at us recently.  

I personally have been going through some tough times personally. The valleys you might say.  Some things that have left me contemplating (ok questioning) God's plan and thinking for my life. Some things that have affected me physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Some things that have left me honestly drained.. the tank empty.  Some things I am not quite ready to share but maybe soon once I make "sense" or maybe peace with them in my own way and get back to that good spot.  Its hard to blog and share about life when the words don't come so easily.  For those of you who pray for me, thank you!  I promise I feel them otherwise I wouldn't be out of bed functioning each day :-)  It also helps to get sweet hugs and kisses from my to JOY's each day! Now that is a reason to get back to it if I have ever seen one (or two)

I have managed to snap a few pics on my phone over the last few weeks.  So here are some sweet boy updates at 21 months old this week!  

Beckett and Eli made "hard hats" at school during work week

Proving our love for corn on the cob,
grilled chicken wings, and sweet potato fries!

Yep.. Rolls too!

And the sweetest bottoms not the planet watching morning cartoons!

And a favorite video of Eli and his "roni"

< The boys have also been struggling :-)  A wonderful well planned visit with my parents Poppy & Dee turned south when the boys were diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth.  On Thursday they arrived with Gigi and picked the boys up from school. We met at our favorite sandbox Willies for dinner.  The boys didn't eat very well but I didn't think much about it since it was really hot and they love the sand and were otherwise distracted.  Here is the only happy picture I took for the next few days.

Poppy and his boys loving the sand
On Friday they went to the Children's Museum.  They left because at lunch Beckett seemed to have a fever.  They called to tell me (sorry for all the hundreds of children we infected!) I was worried because earlier in the week the school sent home a note about HFM.  Ugh. Really?  Scheduled a doctor's appt for Beckett for Friday night.. diagnosis:  HFM!! No!!   On Saturday both had fever, neither could swallow, ulcers in their throats, rash on bodies.  On Sunday, huge pus filled blisters on bottom of feet and other random places.  Fighting the medicine, so upset.  THANK GOD for my parents taking care of them.  It really is one of the worse viruses for children.  I call it Satan's disease.

Finally today we seem to be on the mend. Woke up with no fever!  Still have rashes but are eating better and actually swallowing so throat is on the mend too.  Looks like we are all seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  My parents went home today (with the promise of a redo visit!) and Justin's parents came today to help.  We are just not ready to send them back to school until their bodies heal some more.  

Thank you to all that sent prayers and encouragement during the run of this terrible virus.  It was music to my ears to hear their laughter today.  Looking forward to all 3 of us moving on to happier and healthier times!


The Riley's