God Speaks

And its not always with words.  A few days ago I got an email from a friend from home asking me if I had been reading the posts the Brittany's sister Brooke and her husband Clint had placed on Facebook.  I have not, because I have been off FB for Lent. However, I logged in and read.  I was in my office at work reading with huge tears running down my face. I pray for Clint and Brittany's family everyday.  Her absence in my life has left a silence that is unbearable at times.   The words on the page filled my heart to overflowing at the way God is working in their lives and through Brittany & Shep's legacy.

I wish there was room enough on this blog to copy them all.  I know that I have posted before that I envision Brittany in Heaven rocking my dear sweet angels.  I dreamed of her.. all golden, yellow, and sunny.. surrounded by little ones.  This post was a dream by Shep's baby sitter - Rachel 

Acts 2:17 - And your old men shall dream dreams

I've never been one to dream meaningful dreams. You can ask anyone who knows me, my dreams are normally filled with crazy silliness. But I had a dream last night that I thought I would share. Even thinking about it brings tears to my eyes and puts a smile on my face. It was so beautiful.
I was standing in front of this huge door. A beautiful door. I could hear laughter behind the door. So I opened it. As I walked in the door, I saw Shep. He came running to me, laughing. A laughter I have never heard before. Right behind him was another child with blond hair. As Shep got to me, I picked him up and cuddle him up close, I saw Brittany walk towards me. I was in awe of her beauty. Her smile was so bright. She was so full of joy and peace. I didn’t perceive them as their earthly shells. But I knew it was them. The only way I can describe how they looked is joy, peace, laughter and wholeness. I put Shep down and him and the other little child began to play. Me and Brittany just sat and watched them play. Their laughter was so beautiful. Brittany just smiled and laugh at their silly games. Then we begin to talk. Her voice was warm and beautiful. Almost like a laugh. Joy was so over whelming in this place. I just sat and listened to her talk. She was so happy that her days were spent with her babies. She talked of how the Lord had answered her prayers. All to soon it was time for me to go. We got up and Brittany wrapped her arms around me and said “It won’t be long til we’re all together again.” She looked at me and smiled. Shep came and gave me “love” and I walked back out the door I came from.  

My words don’t do the beauty of them or this dream justice. As I’ve dwelled on the dream today I’ve felt the Lord speak to me. It is so true when He said He would wipe every tear from our eyes. Heaven is JOY and PEACE. And laughter easily flows out of every person. Time isn’t to them like it is to us. Heaven is the place that Jesus has gone to prepare for us. Never has Heaven felt so real to me than now. I have lots of people I want to see. But most of all I want to see Jesus. I want to look upon His face. The One who saved me by His grace. I want to be filled with joy and peace. I want to be complete. But my race hasn’t been completed yet. I haven’t crossed the finish line. Hebrews 12: 1 says “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,” Brittany and Shep have joined that cloud of witnesses. So I will run the race before me. I will set aside those things that hinder my run. I will finish this race. One day I will see them again. My loved ones that have finished their race before me. What a day that will be.

I remember the day after it happened, I was crying to my brother.  And he says " But Lu.. she is in such a better place " and I said in my grief and pain.. Really??  Would she really want to be in a place without Clint?  Without her family?  Would she really want to be taken this early.. would she believe this about her life?  The Bible tells us about Heaven .. “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”  It's just impossible for us to even imagine! But she is there!  And she has gone to prepare a place for her family where there is no pain, no suffering.. walking the streets of Gold she is.

This is from Brooke her sister -

Right before this dream was posted, mom and I had just had a major breakdown---it comes in waves, we had just seen a picture of Shep and Allie we had not seen before and it hit us so hard.....Sometimes you don't think you can recover from the grief that seems to overtake you....but minutes later we received this post on FB!!!! Talk about comfort, peace that passes understanding, the warmth of God's mighty arms wrapped around us....It was perfect timing. You know God's timing is always perfect even though sometimes mysterious. His ways are so loving, although at times puzzling in our minds. Our family has been left with pieces of a life we once knew, and are having to trust God daily, moment by moment and wait on the Lord to to help us figure out how to put those pieces together again, how to find our way...isaiah 64:4 says, "Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides You;who acts on behalf of those who WAIT for Him. I know God's faithfulness to our family is unwaivering, and during this season of waiting on God to guide us into how to pick up the pieces we are going to hold as tight as we possibly can to Him, His word, and His promises...It reminds me of when Britt played softball, she played catcher....and she stretched to catch a pop-up and when the ball hit her glove she had done a split!!! She never let go of the ball and made that out! Just like Britt holding on fervently to that ball regardless of how uncomfortable she was....we are going to bind ourselves to God, go wherever He leads, hold on and never let go no matter how long the journey is, no matter how long the valley seems to be, no matter how uncomfortable it may seem...one thing we can be assured, God NEVER tires! Isaiah 40:31 says, " Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint."

I have had a rough few days.  A tragedy in our family as well.  Justin's 1st cousin Joelle - only 25 - passed away.  It has ripped open the wounds of Brittany's death.  2 young beautiful lives taken so early.  Family and loved one left behind. Justin and I both have been shaken to the core by this back to back loss.  We both laid awake praying and holding our boys Thursday night just thinking of the fragility of this life.  Of this world.  As I struggle to "make sense of it" I read this post by Brooke today.  

Recently, my dad had a vision of Brittany and Shep walking along this path…it was full of colors, all the colors you could imagine, rolling hills and beautiful flowers. On the other side, he saw himself walking on a path…he said over the hill into the light the paths met, and Brittany told him, “Dad, we will meet again. Remember, stay on the path. Don’t step off for anything of this world.” Reflecting back on the significance of the “path,” I thought about my battle last night. I can’t focus on the great loss and great sorrow I feel. I have to stay on the path, and grieve-but grieve with hope. I can’t allow myself to take that dark path of hopelessness. The enemy would love to trap us all and keep us on that dark path with no purpose, wondering aimlessly…but we, being followers of Christ, are called to the light. When I received that Facebook message and started diving into the book of Eccl., God lifted me out of that dark place, because His words brought truth. It washed over me and brought back the reality and focus that this life is not it. God has given us a path of assurance. Today, as you are traveling down your path of life….. Don’t let life’s experiences keep you off the path. Ask God to show you His insights and truth into what He is trying to teach you through your relationships, problems, temptations, tragedies, all aspects of your life. Psalm 119:33 says, “God teach me lessons so I can stay the course.” Truly, the most important lessons God will teach you is through your experiences. Don’t step off for anything that is “of this world.” 2 Corinthians 4:18 says, “We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” Don’t waste your energy on things that won’t really matter even a month from now…Activities, goals, and problems seem so trivial to me now because the closer I have gotten to God, the smaller everything else appears. This life is what my Mamarene (my grandmother) has always told us, “Girls, its just a dressing room….just preparation…..just getting ready for the next life, eternal life.” Brittany and Shep’s sudden and unexpected move to heaven has done just what Eccl. (yes Eccl.) says in 3:11,”He has put eternity in their hearts.” Each night as Britt was rocking Shep to sleep she sang, “Standing on the Promises.” A lullaby many might not choose, but the perfect tune for my precious angels. Today settle it in your heart to Stay on the Path, Dive Into God’s Word, Stand on His Promises, Draw from His Light, and Prepare Your Heart for Eternity!!!

We must stay the path.  We must run the race.  Brooke, Clint, their families.  They are inspirations.  Brittany and Shep will live on forever in their legacy of lives touched and encouraged by their short lives.  Joelle will live on with her dad.. until the day we are all reunited again.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33


The Riley's