A Family Day in Fredericksburg

Once we got the turkey out the way, the vacation was smooth sailing right?  No way!  I noticed Friday night that I thought at dinner Eli felt very warm to me.  When he woke up early Saturday morning, I confirmed that he was running a fever.  He has had the junk for awhile.. we are just waiting on our surgery date for the ear tubes and it finally caught up to us.  Mommy just new he had an ear infection.  So Eli and I headed out to Kerrville, Texas the closest town with a walk in clinic.  We were the 3rd ones there and of course, still waiting an hour.  Diagnosis? Ear infection.  We left with a prescription called in to Fredericksburg and headed to pick up the family.  Now other than then slight fever, Eli was a trooper.   

Our first stop was the Hangar Hotel diner.  A favorite eating place of ours in Fredericksburg.  Its at the airport and you can watch the "millionaires" planes come in and out while you eat.  They also have biplane (open cockpit rides).. none of us were brave enough!  They have antique planes and trucks which are cool too.  Doesn't hurt that the diner food is YUMMY!

Next we headed to one of my favorite places that Wildseed Farms.  I knew my mom (aka Master Gardner) would fall in love with this place.  I hate that we were early for wildflower season, its so amazing when all the huge fields are in bloom but we still enjoyed our strolls around the garden, shopping, and Beckett & Eli's favorite part, lemonade!  Especially Beckett discovered a new found love for lemonade and he drank so many glasses.  Of course it was 95 degrees outside. Really. 95 in April.. welcome to Texas!

After Wildseed we made  stop at another of my favorites, Beckers Vineyard.  They had a live bluegrass band.  We spread out the blankets, grabbed a shade tree, and mom and I headed in for a wine tasting.  We had a great time "racing" through our wine tasting to get back outside to our boys.  While we were inside, the couple beside us got engaged!  So cool.  Eli started crashing and I don't blame him one bit.  It was SO HOT.  We loaded up and blasted the AC. 

As soon as we got going he felt much better.  A little take out and we headed back to camp.  We sat around our hunting camp, watching animals, enjoying the breeze, eating steaks and relaxing.  What a great end to fun day!

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