And The Beat Goes On

And so does Eli dancing.  It was dark in our living room because we were getting ready for night night (can't really tell it from this!)  My man was in his dancing mood. I grabbed the camera.. Hope you can see!!

The boys have really gotten into wrestling as well.  Eli will fall all over Beckett and he just laughs and laughs.  I tried to video it. Ok. I did video and I am going to share.  Only if you promise not to call CPS (or DHR as you call it at home) because I wasn't paying attention (sham on me) and Beckett fell off the edge at the end.  Oops.  He was totally fine. I promise. No worries

This past week Justin went to pick them up at school and was able to spend a few minutes with his teacher.  She said that Eli and Beckett are great friends at school.  They only like to play with each other on the playground.  Beckett follows Eli everywhere.  Cute story :-)  She said that they were playing together and Beckett heard them say it was time to line up so he went and sat in line by the door.  Well, Eli didn't hear and he turned around and couldn't find Beckett.  She said he was yelling "Brudda Brudda"  (brother) and very upset.  He ran around looking for him yelling "Brudda Brudda" They showed him where Beckett was sitting and he ran over, sat beside him and patted his little leg.  So sweet!    

Things are starting to come together for Beckett.  He actually climbed up on the coffee table this week all by himself (not approved but totally proud). He is "cruising" although we have to bribe him with snacks and toys he can do it.  He can balance and stand all by himself.  In the middle of the floor.  And he smiles and smiles and then realizes he has no idea what to do and creeps down to the floor.  He has added bye bye when we leave the house or get in the car.  Bubbles is another word he has now and dog which kind of sounds like DA but he points or bangs on the window at the dogs so he is using it appropriately.  

Eli has SO MANY WORDS and you can clearly understand him too.  The teacher was happy with how much they could understand him.  He says "water, apple, eyes, mouth, nose, airplane (really??) they fly over our house all the time and he points and says arpa arpa.  He has animal sounds.  "Baa for sheep" is our latest.  I think its encouraged by Timmy Time.  Baaaaa  He also likes to spin around and around until he gets really dizzy and then falls down all over the place when he walks.  Thinks this is hilarious.  He is also into messing with Beckett.  This weekend I caught him feeding Beckett strawberries, giving Beckett water by putting the cup in his mouth, boinking Beckett in the head with wrapping paper rolls, taking his socks off.  Best of friends :-)