A Year of Changes
As I think about this past year, all I can think about is how much our life has changed! My eyes water thinking of all the incredible blessings of this year and the challenges as well.
Watching my boys grow, learn, and become little toddlers has brought me so much more joy than I could ever imagine. My heart is full in a way that I never imagined possible. The boys have brought with them their own set of challenges as well. We have been sleep deprived, hungry (I often ask after a dinner with them.. did I eat?), stressed financially at times, faced with decisions on childcare, stressed over the DISASTER we call a house, and pushed to our limits with patience. I told Justin last night that I am so PROUD that he and I survived the first year and are still going strong.
What changes the first year brought and how fast! From bottles every 3 hours around the clock to 3 meals and 2 snacks a day... from changing diapers what felt like a million times to day to now about a thousand :-) Big boy car seats, big boy chairs, big boy toys. Talking.. walking.. crawling..climbing.. cruising. I have savored each milestone as bittersweet. So proud that they are doing so well.. but knowing that this time is fleeting and will one day just be a sweet sweet memory.
Gone are the days of late night movies (we had rather sleep!), late dinners (we eat at 5:00pm for the boys.. with all the senior citizens), spur of the moment trips (way to much scheduling and planning is needed), and sleeping in (we celebrate 7am!) . Instead we watch Mickey like clockwork every morning (rarely miss an episode), we clap our hands all day long, we sing silly songs at the top of our lungs, we have every toy on the top 10 list of Amazon (x 2), we hunt sippy cups and lids all day long, our washer & dryer are constantly running, we create more trash and fill up landfills at an alarming rate, I go to work with stains & spit up on my clothes, I reach in my purse to get keys and come out with goldfish, wipes, chew rings, and tiny socks, I pick other peoples (my little one's) noses and think nothing about it! And you know what? I wouldn't trade it for anything.
This year we struggled with infertility again. I know that I haven't publicly blogged about it but it was an emotional part of this year. We had an unexpected surprise blessing and found out we were expecting on Father's Day of this year. As you can imagine, we were totally overwhelmed and but incredibly excited.. we had for years hoped for the "surprise" pregnancy. After our battle with fertility we were certain that this would never happen to us. Since I didn't have any problems carrying the boys, we never expected this pregnancy wouldn't last. But unfortunately at 10 weeks, I miscarried. Devastated. A new kind of hurt. I have walked through not being able to get pregnant, losing a baby at 5 months, and now this miscarriage. I am thankful for all our friends and family that loved on us during this time. Flowers, cards, treats, wine, dinners and of course lots of hugs & prayers. Beckett and Eli gave me so much love. I drew strength from my relationship with the Lord knowing that I can trust Him with the plans for my life. As disappointed as we were, we moved forward knowing that God is in control of these situations and he has plans for our family. I often think about the sweet baby girl we lost, Beckett & Eli's sister, wondering "what in the world we would have done with 3 babies!" But knowing that all my sweet angels are together. Watching over their brothers and us from Heaven.
This year has brought our family close together. We have celebrated these boys and laughed with these boys. And I am looking so forward to the next year and all the JOY it will brings. Even though we do not know what the future brings, I hold my babies tight, I savor each moment, and Thank God each and everyday for them.
Here are some of my favorite pics from 2010!
The Riley's
Watching my boys grow, learn, and become little toddlers has brought me so much more joy than I could ever imagine. My heart is full in a way that I never imagined possible. The boys have brought with them their own set of challenges as well. We have been sleep deprived, hungry (I often ask after a dinner with them.. did I eat?), stressed financially at times, faced with decisions on childcare, stressed over the DISASTER we call a house, and pushed to our limits with patience. I told Justin last night that I am so PROUD that he and I survived the first year and are still going strong.
What changes the first year brought and how fast! From bottles every 3 hours around the clock to 3 meals and 2 snacks a day... from changing diapers what felt like a million times to day to now about a thousand :-) Big boy car seats, big boy chairs, big boy toys. Talking.. walking.. crawling..climbing.. cruising. I have savored each milestone as bittersweet. So proud that they are doing so well.. but knowing that this time is fleeting and will one day just be a sweet sweet memory.
Gone are the days of late night movies (we had rather sleep!), late dinners (we eat at 5:00pm for the boys.. with all the senior citizens), spur of the moment trips (way to much scheduling and planning is needed), and sleeping in (we celebrate 7am!) . Instead we watch Mickey like clockwork every morning (rarely miss an episode), we clap our hands all day long, we sing silly songs at the top of our lungs, we have every toy on the top 10 list of Amazon (x 2), we hunt sippy cups and lids all day long, our washer & dryer are constantly running, we create more trash and fill up landfills at an alarming rate, I go to work with stains & spit up on my clothes, I reach in my purse to get keys and come out with goldfish, wipes, chew rings, and tiny socks, I pick other peoples (my little one's) noses and think nothing about it! And you know what? I wouldn't trade it for anything.
This year we struggled with infertility again. I know that I haven't publicly blogged about it but it was an emotional part of this year. We had an unexpected surprise blessing and found out we were expecting on Father's Day of this year. As you can imagine, we were totally overwhelmed and but incredibly excited.. we had for years hoped for the "surprise" pregnancy. After our battle with fertility we were certain that this would never happen to us. Since I didn't have any problems carrying the boys, we never expected this pregnancy wouldn't last. But unfortunately at 10 weeks, I miscarried. Devastated. A new kind of hurt. I have walked through not being able to get pregnant, losing a baby at 5 months, and now this miscarriage. I am thankful for all our friends and family that loved on us during this time. Flowers, cards, treats, wine, dinners and of course lots of hugs & prayers. Beckett and Eli gave me so much love. I drew strength from my relationship with the Lord knowing that I can trust Him with the plans for my life. As disappointed as we were, we moved forward knowing that God is in control of these situations and he has plans for our family. I often think about the sweet baby girl we lost, Beckett & Eli's sister, wondering "what in the world we would have done with 3 babies!" But knowing that all my sweet angels are together. Watching over their brothers and us from Heaven.
This year has brought our family close together. We have celebrated these boys and laughed with these boys. And I am looking so forward to the next year and all the JOY it will brings. Even though we do not know what the future brings, I hold my babies tight, I savor each moment, and Thank God each and everyday for them.
Here are some of my favorite pics from 2010!
The Riley's