"I Want Always To Be A Boy, and Have Fun" - Peter Pan
Our first Halloween!! We lucked out and had Ma, Dave, and Phyllis staying with us to help celebrate. After we ate dinner to prepare for the big night, we got into costume. A bit dramatic.. a little crying, screaming, and totally falling out (Beckett). Once dressed we headed outside which immediately calmed us down because we were very interested in what exactly was going on. There were kids walking in the street.. we weren't going to bed.. hmm?
A few necessary pics and we loaded up the wagon to head out to the neighbors. One street over live a fabulous pair of 5 year old twin girls. The graciously hosted our boys to "teach us how to trick or treat".
They were having a block party which was a lot of fun. Grilling burgers, fires going, so much fun! The boys were so good.. just taking it all in. Phyllis was the official wagon puller up and down sidewalks, through the neighbors grass, and up the doors to get the candy in their pumpkin in the wagon.
The boys kept digging in the pumpkin and taking things out. Eli dropped candy down the street (so we would have a trail home :-) They found the tootsy pops, ate through the paper, and decided these were the BEST!
Dave was at our house, sitting on the porch handing out candy.
We stayed out maybe 45 minutes or so before heading home. The first Halloween was a success!!
A few necessary pics and we loaded up the wagon to head out to the neighbors. One street over live a fabulous pair of 5 year old twin girls. The graciously hosted our boys to "teach us how to trick or treat".
They were having a block party which was a lot of fun. Grilling burgers, fires going, so much fun! The boys were so good.. just taking it all in. Phyllis was the official wagon puller up and down sidewalks, through the neighbors grass, and up the doors to get the candy in their pumpkin in the wagon.
The boys kept digging in the pumpkin and taking things out. Eli dropped candy down the street (so we would have a trail home :-) They found the tootsy pops, ate through the paper, and decided these were the BEST!
Dave was at our house, sitting on the porch handing out candy.
We stayed out maybe 45 minutes or so before heading home. The first Halloween was a success!!