At One Year..

At one year.. my boys are the happiest little guys.   The both have such different personalities.  Someone recently asked me if I have a favorite?  And I truly do not.  I love different things are each little man.  I love that they are unique.  I love their little differences.  Each month as they grow and change I find new things that I love about both of them. 

They both are such good eaters.  They eat all table food and they mostly feed themselves their entire meals with their fingers. What a change in your life it makes when you don't have to worry about what they are going to eat.  They just eat whatever we cook.  They are learning to use the spoon (but its really messy :-)  Eli weighes 24 lbs and 1 oz and Beckett weighs 25 lbs and 8 ozs.  They are both 31 inches long.  That puts them in roughly 80th for weight and height.  They are still 95th in head size.  The doctor was very please with their growth.  She said they are big boys.. healthy big boys.  Not too big and great muscle tone.  We love breakfast and usually heat a huge one.  Pancakes, waffles, grits, biscuits, oatmeal, sausage, dry cereal, donuts and fruit are our favorites. 

We have recently started the whole milk and are phasing out the formula.  See how much they love it?

Our schedule has stayed pretty consistent.   They still take a bottle anywhere from 5-6 (and sometimes 4:30) so the doctor said to try and phase that one out.  They go back to sleep and then get up around 7am.  Breakfast and playtime followed by a mid morning bottle and a 2 hour nap.  Lunch, afternoon snack, small nap, dinner, bath time and bedtime at 7pm.  We have divided them for naptime recently and it works so much better.  Eli gets the bedroom and Beckett is set up in the pack and play in the guest bedroom.  We get it dark in their and turn on the box fan.  They both sleep much better and longer like this during the day. 

Beckett Ryan Riley is the sweetest, cuddliest, hugger baby on the planet.  He gives the best wettest kisses, he hugs, and snuggles with you.  He always starts the day with getting in bed with us and snuggling.  Loves watching his morning cartoons and hanging out in the bed.  Mickey's Clubhouse and Warehouse Mouse are his favorites.  Those get actual smiles and laughing out loud.  He is the more sensitive of the 2.  When he falls over or bumps something or just decides he doesn't like something he will let you know.  He cries the biggest ole tears you have ever seen.  He is so big when you rock him.  I swear its like holding a grown boy.  His head doesn't fit anywhere on my shoulders or chest comfortably for him or me.. and he wears the same size hat as me! 

He laughs the greatest deep belly chuckle and its you don't have to work too hard for it.  Smiles all around too :-)  He is a biter though so we have to watch that.  Now most of them are justified because Eli has taken his toy, or pushed him over, or pulled his hair.. but they hurt!  I can always tell when he's bit Eli's finger.  Eli screams and starts shaking his hand and it usually has teeth marks in it.  He is pulling up now and so incredibly proud of himself.  He has the cutest almost crawl that is a scoot/roll, frog jump, thing.  No matter what position you lay him down in, he can get back to sitting on his bottom in a flash!  He is really blabbering.  Is the talker of the too.. I have a feeling he is going to be really funny when he starts talking!

Elijah Luke Riley is a mischevious imp full of joy and life.  He has like a 5 minute period when he first wakes up that you can get a somewhat peaceful diaper change and maybe a hug and then he if off to the races.  He does not want cuddles, he pushes away your kisses, he wants down and in to something.  Anything. You know though.. it makes when you finally get a good Eli hug, when he squeezes me and puts his little head in my neck and hides his face even that much more special.  I think one of the most popular phrases in our house is "Where's Eli?  Have you seen Eli?"  We make sure all the bathroom/bedroom doors stay shut and toilet lids down.  He has a huge weakness for Gerber yogurt snacks.  We started looking for him and here is what we found.  He got them out of my purse and was having a great time! 

 He doesn't like anything to be on top of the coffee table or end table.  He doesn't like animals or pieces to be in the toys where they go.  He doesn't like the letters sticking to the side of the bathtub.  All of those will get dealt with immediately :-)  He loves to "scavenge" underneath the high chair for any leftovers he can snack on.  Sometimes I think maybe he either doesn't see Beckett or he doesn't care Beckett is in the way, because he plows right over.  His least favorite phrase is "not for Eli".  He keeps me in shape!

The 12 month visit was horrible.  Seriously.  First of all the MMR makes me nervous.  There has been so much controversy I just can't help it.  Didn't want to the chickenpox but there new school they are starting said I had to.  I declined the flu because really.. they were already getting 4 sticks and a finger prick.  I cried.  They were just so upset and they were looking at me like "mom, how could you let them do this to me?"  Justin was out of town working so he owes me.  The doctor said the next "tough" visit is 4 years old.  Justin will be handling that. I am still recovering from post traumatic stress from the 12 month!  The silver lining was that the boys are perfectly healthy.  They are strong and developing well.  The Lord has been so good to us keeping us safe and protecting them during this awesome first year! 
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