Leaving On A Jet Plane

Finally the time came!!  We have seriously planned our first family vacation for months.  We booked the house in Seagrove back in April.. right when all the oil stuff happened and were just praying and crossing our fingers everything would be okay for our visit.  When we originally planned the trip, we were all 4 flying out together from Houston to Panama City on Saturday.  Then Justin booked a business trip to Alabama 3 days before we were leaving.  He took me to lunch one day and sprung this on me, "How about I just fly with one of the boys and you and the other boy join me 3 days later."  What!  No way.  First of all, how can I choose which boys leaves his mom? How can they be seperated.  Really?  I cried.  Seriously.  Then I got rational about it.  It would pay for his flight there which would be more money for vacay.  After much serious debate and pros/cons we chose Mr. Beckett to leave with his daddy on Wednesday and Eli to stay and come with mommy.  I cried while I packed him, cried the night before, cried while I rocked him to sleep "one last time" cried when I left to go to work and could think of nothing else!  

 I waited anxiously to hear how they did.  Here are the pics I got of B & his dad headed to Florida. 

I was so glad to hear they landed and were on their way to Justin's parents.  When I got home from work, Justin & Beckett had left me the sweetest letter.  Here is a picture of it.  Beckett promised to miss me, eat all his food, and take all his naps.  Justin traced his sweet little hand.. Tears? Um yes..  But I will treasure this always.  

Of course, everytime I called Beckett was going to the park, eating home cooked Riley meals, playing, going on walks, visiting family, and just having a blast!  Eli and I had our own share of fun hear in Houston.  It was amazing to have one on one time with the little guy and I loved having one baby all to myself for a little while.  He developed a new favorite game while mommy was getting ready for work each day.  He would scavenge my bathroom and bedroom for treasures and then through them in the bath tub!  One morning I found my car keys in there when I got in to take a shower.  He was a big help packing too.   He would check out the bags and then take out whatever he didn't think we needed and put it in the bath tub :-)

We were blessed to have Uncle CC (Curtis from the Galloway) pick us up and take us to the airport on Saturday.  He dropped us curbside and I had me, Eli, stroller, car seat, diaper bag, purse, and 2 suitcases!  I know God puts people in your life at the right time and He placed this sweet angel in front of me.  She was on her way back to Tampa after keeping her granddaughter in Houston for a week.  She helped carry all my bags, got me to the counter, helped me check in and even went to security with me to help.  What a blessing!  Eli and I had fun checking out planes, watching for our bags, and playing at the tables while waiting to board.  He was pretty antsy on the plane but God again helped me and put the sweetest couple headed to Ft Walton for the first time in our row.  The flight was full!  They played with him, took turns holding them, helped me to be able to go to the bathroom. 

When we landed, I saw the sweetest faces smiling at me through the glass.  So happy to be together again and start our vacation!!
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