Good Times In the OK Corral

I have been anxiously awaiting the ring of the doorbell for a week!  Finally, our big purchase has arrived.  Our house is not baby friendly at all.  Our living room is tile, has a hearth, is a step down so there is a tile ledge, our coffee table has iron legs.. and it shows on my sweet Eli's head :-)  I searched the internet, craigslist, and ebay for weeks before pulling the trigger on buying the baby corral.

It arrived today! When the doorbell rang this afternoon, I couldn't wait to get it put together. Finally, a few minutes of freedom to walk away while they play. I bought 2 and we put them together so they each have a panel they can play with. It was an instant hit! The floormat that I bought was smaller than the Playzones so we took out a few panels until I can get some more floor squares to add. So it will be huge when we get it all together. Eli loves to spin the toys and he plays the piano with his feet. Beckett prefers to smile at himself and scream in the mirror :-)

It's official. My house is a daycare/babyland.  But its safe and they are loving it!