Life with Twins

I know I have posted before that everytime the boy's food goes on sale, I stock up.  Unfortunately, Toys R Us limits the quanities on really good sales.  The first time I went, I  thought I was being smart buying 40 jars since I had to buy in quantities of 20.  Ha!  That didn't last long.  So this time I doubled it and bought 80.  That will last us about 3 weeks.   Here are some pics from my latest trip and the boys "pantry". We seriously go through formula, food, cereal, and oatmeal so fast that I keep this cabinet stocked so we don't have to go the store every week.

The boys are really starting to interact and love each other.   They constantly turn their heads to look for each other.  When I pick up one baby in the morning out of the crib he turns his head to look at his brother in his bed.  They even sleep like little book ends :-)


 I took these pictures after the boys had taken a bath, I layed them in the crib together to put on their pj's and they were having the sweetest interaction.  This is the first time I thought to grab the camera and record these sweet moments between brothers. 

                                  Look at those smiles at each other! 

            Hey!  Whose hand is this?  Looks yummy!

            It is yummy!!  What are you doing brother?

                  Ok.. well your elbow tastes very good :-)

We have started taking each boy out individually.  It's a whole different experience then taking them both out together.  First of all.. its easy :-) I know. No offense to you singleton moms out there but seriously.. one small baby not a big deal.  Easy to carry, fits in a single shopping cart, can change and feed by yourself.  The strangest thing is no one notices you.  No one stops to ask about the baby.  You are just an average person out shopping at Walmart and Target with your baby.  Justin took Beckett to Target and called to tell me he felt "ignored" :-)!! Ha!

Loving life with my sweet twins.  We are doubly blessed.  Looking forward to my 1st Mother's Day weekend!

Love, The Riley's