We Are Big Boys

We are now 4 1/2 months old. We are a little behind on our doctor's check ups since we got a late start going to them so we will be 5 months old actually when we go to our 4 month check up. The boys are doing great and we are having so much fun with them.

The best part is their schedule. We moved to 3 1/2 instead of 3 hours for the feeding. They are napping so good and sleeping so good. It makes life so much easier. I am the schedule "nazi". I Babywise and I am serious about them following the routine. It has done great for us so far. The are such good sleepers now. We start our day at 6am. Sometimes they are awake when I go in to feed, sometimes they are asleep (yes.. I wake them up :-) then back down for a little nap for the boys. Most of the time I get a little nap too depending on what time I have to be at work. The nanny gets the boys up at 8:30. It's praise baby and play time first thing in the morning. They wake up so sweet! All smiles and laughs and coos.. Then at 9:30 they eat again. Nap from 10:30 - 1:00. Wake up and eat again. Play, take walks, go outside and then back down fror nap time at 2:30 and sleep until 4:30. Back up to eat. They are still taking a little "cat nap" from 6:30 -7:00ish in the evenings wherever they are or sometimes while we hold them. Last bottle at 8pm and then its prayers and night night. They go right down and sleep until 6am. . They are good little boys. They love Daddy's chair :-)

They love love their jumparoo thing. They got it for Christmas and we are finally big enough to enjoy it. Even though only 3 toes on one foot will reach the ground! They are getting good at wiggling around and making it sing and light up again. Look at Eli's face.. Sheer joy!!

We just started feeding them cereal from a spoon. They have had it in their bottles for awhile now but now they eat like big boys. Here are the pictures from their first adventure in their high chairs and eating with the spoon. I can't believe we are about to move to vegetables. Don't you love those little feet sticking out below?

So many milestones seem to be passing by so quickly. The infant divider is out of their tub, they sit in high chairs, eat with a spoon, finishing up our last pack of size 2 diapers, Beckett rolled over, wearing 9 month size clothes, weighing 17 lbs!, Eli got a little sunburn :-(, What joy they bring to our lives! Who knew it would be so fun to watch their faces when they get the jumparoo going? Or the sweet smile when they are surrounded by bubbles in the bath tub? Laying in bed listening to Beckett "talk" on the monitor... such sweet sweet blessings.. I count them every day and Praise God! for these little angels.

Love, The Riley's