For This Child I Prayed

What a very special day! My baby boys were dedicated at Houston's First Baptist Church on Sunday, February 28th. We were blessed to have my parents & sister, Justin's parents, my Ma & Dave, Phyllis, our nanny and her family, our neighbors, and our best friends in attendance. My boys wore very special gowns handmade for them by my mom, their Dee-Dee. She made heirloom infant bubble suits with skirts and also bibs and burb clothes for the special occasion. They were gorgeous. A special reception was held for friends and family befofe the ceremony in the chapel. During the service, the boys were dedicated along with about 10 other babies. We each took a turn on stage with Pastor Greg. The pictures of the boys that Jen took were on the screen over head and he introduced the boys and read their scripture that we selected for them. After we all went individually, he asked us to come to the altar. The husband's got down on their knees and Pastor Greg talked about the importance of the men "leading from their knees" We prayed for all of us and then we left. He spoke to friends and family about seperately about supporting us as parents. Then they all prayed for us.

As I looked around the room after the ceremony, I thanked God for my sweet boys and for all the people that love them and love us. I blessed to have a Godly husband who is an amazing father and spiritual leader. Family that supports us and friends here that give us spiritual guidance, support, and love. I know that God has a special plan for my children and I am blessed to be part of his plan and their lives.

The Riley's