New Milestones 12 Weeks

Our biggest milestone of the week has no pictures to share but beautiful memories. We made it back to church! The boys went to church and Sunday school with us. We arrived early and fed them before the service. Service went good. Funny moment, I had to get Beckett out of his carrier because he got really fussy. It was kinda quiet and out of nowhere he lets one rip. And it was really loud! Of course, Justin pointed at me and made a joke :-) Everyone around us was laughing! I had to stand in the back because Beckett was talking so much. During Sunday school towards the end, Eli got really fussy but it was time to eat so I just took him out and fed him. We went out for brunch afterwards with the Armstrong's and the boys were champs. We came home and took a huge nap! It felt so good to be back in church and the message was awesome. I will post more about later.

My boys are getting too big! This week Nikki and I went on a walk and the boys tried out their big boy stroller for the first time. We were so lucky that our friends at church gave us this stroller. I tried it once before but they were just too small for it. Not this time. They loved it. This is the first time they have ridden facing forward and they were able to look around and see.

Here's a funny Eli story. As you all have read, he is a scooter and is really active at night. A friend suggested the sleep positioner. I thought it was a great idea. We currently have his mattress elevated for reflux and the positioner not only helps hold them in place it has an incline. I put him on it and wrapped the blanket around him before bed. Here is what I saw at 2:00am! Not good! Back in the box and back in to Target that went.

The other night it was cold so after the boys were swaddled in their light blankets (muslin swaddle blankets my friend gave me.. the best!) I put a blanket over them. Well, here is what I saw when I came in to feed him at 2:00am!

I didn't freak out because I could hear him snoring so I knew he was okay. I ran and got my camera to document. I leaned over the crib and pulled the blanket back and here is what I saw!

Lesson learned: Tuck the top blanket under too!

The best milestone is the sleeping! The swaddle is serious business. They have slept from 9pm to 4:30 am for 2 nights in a row. The first night I kept checking the monitor. I couldn't believe it. So here we go again adjusting the schedule but I do not mind at all.

It's been nice and warm here in Houston so they got to wear their "hot pants" little shorts for the first time. Don't you just love those legs? And don't you think they are starting to look more alike?

I love having Nikki around because she takes pictures too. When I get home from work I hold and rock both babies at one time and she caught it on camera for me for the first time. Love them :-)

The Riley's

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