Going Private in 2010

After much thought and debate, I have decided to take my blog private. What this means is that I will have to add you to a list so that you can sign in and read my blog. I have thought about this a lot. I have always kept it public because I would hope that someone would stumble across it and hear the Word or find a topic that they can relate too... and I love reading other people's blogs too! But then I started thinking about the "other" kind of people out there that might find my blog and read about my children.. and in today's world its sad.. but their intentions might not be so innocent. So to protect their privacy and just to be safe, I would like to know who is reading the blog. I am sure you understand. Its easy to be added to the list. Just post your email address or if you don't feel comfortable doing that, email me at slriley123@gmail.com and I will be happy to add you the blog. It's okay if you don't know me personally or just a friend of a friend I would still be happy for you to read my blog.

Happy New Year Everyone!!! Can't wait to get started on 2010!!

Love, The Riley's