Hannah's Prayer

I believe that God has a special heart and hope for those of us who struggle to have children. Although infertility seems to be more prevalent these days and more talked about surprisingly it is addressed in many areas of the Bible. Sarah and her struggle to conceive with Abraham who was finally blessed with Isaac. Isaac's wife Rebekah also struggled with infertility and Issac pleaded to the Lord for his wife. She later delivered twin boys Jacob and Esau. Jacob married both Rachel and Leah. While Leah was extremely fertile, Rachel's womb was closed. God later opened her womb and she delivered Joseph and died during birth of her second son Benjamin. King David's wife (the daugther of Saul) and several others are mentioned. Famously, Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist was well beyond child bearing years when God blessed her with a son - and what an important son. In all cases except one in the Bible, God at some point blessed these women with children. I will never understand why God chooses to bless some so easily while others struggle with their journey, but I know he still works miracles!

For me, my special passage that gave me hope was from 1 Samuel Chapter 1 which describes Hannah and her struggle to conceive. One of my favorite lesson's is from Verse 8 where her husband asks her "Why are you weeping? Why don't you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than 10 sons?" What a wonderful reminder each month that was to me that God had provided for me a faithful husband as a partner in life. As he stood beside and supported me each month through our ups and downs, I knew that he was enough for me. If it never worked and God's plan was for us to adopt or be child free.. God had provided enough for me in him. Now that we have these 2 special boys, I love to read the passage and rejoice with Hannah! Verse 27 and 28 - "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord. "

I saw a picture on a friend's blog (thanks Jenny Sollie) whose son's name is Samuel and I had to have a special picture like this of my own. Seeing those little feet on the words that comforted me for so long is such a miracle. I know that there are people who read my blog and have contacted me about their struggles as well. Don't give up hope, find comfort in the words of your Father. He has a plan for you and all of us.. remain faithful in Him.

Love, Luann
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