Justin's parents have been out all week helping us around the house. The first order of business was having the nursery painted. Justin's dad is a contractor and I wanted his expert painting in the room. Little did he know he was painting it 3 different times which equaled 7 coats of paint! I had picked out the colors when there was also going to be girl in there. I didn't want it to be too dominant towards either gender. Well, I didn't really adjust for the changes .. I didn't want to think about it. And they started painting the day after. Justin's mom and I ran errands all over town on Saturday picking up the rest of the items we needed for the curtains and when we got home.. this was the 1st try. I thought about and thought about it and tried to be brave. Later that night I was sitting on the couch and and I looked at Justin and a little tear was coming down my face and I said, "I don't think I like the color" Wasn't the best timing because he just sat down from working all day! But we sat in the nursery together and thought about it and decided the blue on the bottom was too bright and had to go. So we opted to go for white on the bottom instead. Sweet Big Poppa stayed home from church Sunday morning and when we got home, Surprise! The bottom had been converted to white. I liked it much better. That night, we started getting out the curtain fabric and other boy items from the room. It hit me, the green matched the girl bedding! It was a way to bring in all the colors together. I didn't want to ask to have it repainted to I decided it was fine. I could live with it. Probably even change the boy bedding to match. So I looked online all night and I didn't find anything I liked. Justin knew there was something wrong with me. I showed him the pics of what I liked. My mom in law tried to convince me. Sweet husband woke up the next morning and rolled over and said, "I think we should paint the top blue. Wouldn't you be happier". Yes! I would but I couldn't bring myself to ask. When I got home from work on Monday, the nursery was perfect!!!! And by Tuesday, the trim was up too! I love it. Its so peaceful and the color is soothing. We went the long way around to get there but it turned out perfect. We are blessed to have such loving, patient family. Can't wait for the boys to get here and sleep in it!