Happy Momma-to-Be Day!

What a special day today was for us! This morning my puppies and sweet husband brought me my card in bed. It is so cute and everywhere it said baby or referred to one - Justin added the "s" and changed to three. They make tons of cards for twins but not so much for triplets. I also received a Mom-to-Be surpise from my Ma and my In-laws sent me the sweetest card. We are blessed to have such love and support. It was amazing to have people calling me this Mother's Day. And I got so many sweet text and post on Facebook. We went to church (and I got sick at church for the first time!) Not fun :-) Then we went on our Mother's Day shopping adventure. We headed to the Galleria and we ate pizza (which is my favorite craving right now. I could eat it every meal, that and KFC extra crispy fried chicken) But I don't. Trying to be healthy as well. The dr's want me to gain around 60 lbs so I am drinking Ensure 3 times a day to help with the calorie intake since I am still sick until lunch most days. We hit up Mimi Maternity and Motherhood Maternity. I ended up with 3 pairs of pants with the stretchy stuff at top. As ugly as they are, they felt so good compaired to my unzipped tight jeans with the bella band around them. I can probably get away with that method for another couple of weeks but from what I hear, I am in for some serious growth starting around week 14. I also got 2 tops, one for work and one to wear next Saturday night when Justin takes me out for my surprise birthday dinner in Birmingham!
After clothes shopping, we made our first stop by Babies "R" Us on the way home. Even though I am excited about baby, I am not that excited yet! Wow... we will get to all that in due time. It was overwhelming and I was a manager there for 3 years. I was not impressed with this Babies R Us though... no triple stroller :-) Looks like we will have to special order that. We were there to pick out a baby book so that I would have it for the shower next Sunday. I faced the dilemna, 3 books or 1? I went for one. I am not up for duplicating times 3 and I will start each of them a seperate album after birth. I found this sweet book and brag book called Sweet pea and it has a pod with "3 little peas in it". There are 3 green buttons in each pod. Thought that was fitting and Justin agreed. Added myself to mailing list while I was there.. and I sure there will be many more visits in BabyLand!
Next up! Our 12 week appt is on Wednesday of this week. I am spoiled having an ultrasound every week during the first 10 weeks. It has been 2 weeks since we saw the babies so I am ready to check on them. We will keep you posted! Love!
Luann, Justin and "3"