Discover the Champion With In, Live Your Best Life - Joel Osteen

On our first Sunday in Houston, Justin and I decided to visit the famed Lakewood Church co-pastored by Joel and Victoria Osteen. If you don't know who they are, look them up.. they are pretty famous. It is insanely huge! Yes, they purchased the former NBA basketball arena and they fill it full for 3 services.. 20,000 people per service. This is a picture of the church from the outside. There are shuttles to the church from various parking areas, we were lucky enough to get in the parking garage (and then walk 1/2 mile :). When you walk in a take the escalator, there is a book store at the top. (or souvenier shop as Justin would say. I could not believe how huge it was. Not to mention there are booths around every corner selling books, cds, etc. Justin could not believe I was taking pictures at church. He was so embarrassed.
The "arena" is so nice. Very modern, and very upscale. I was totally unprepared for the inside of the "sanctuary". Yes, there are 2 waterfalls that cascade down each side of the stage. Yes, there was fog coming out of the ceiling that was twinkling like the sky. Yes, there is a huge gold world turning. Yes, the choir is insane. The service is two hours long and you are standing pretty much the whole time. Joel and Victoria are very polished. They both delivered a sincere uplifting message.. however.. I don't think I could take the "pep rally" atmosphere every week. But you have to go once right??
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