Posts tagged sabbath
God Said Nap

Welcome aboard, Stowaways, to the eighth episode of Seminary Stowaways, where we make the lively discussion of the seminary classroom accessible to everyone. Today we’re talking about Sundays. Or, Saturdays, if you want to be really-hard core. The Sabbath. The most ignored commandment, and in my mind, kind of the weirdest. It hardly seems to have the same urgency as “Do not murder”. It’s for people who make their own schedules and enjoy leisurely mimosa-brunches on Saturday. Not for people who wake up to children jumping on their faces or who are SERVING brunch on Saturday. In this episode, Luann walks us through an exploration of the Hebrew roots of Sabbath and explains the difference between keeping the Sabbath and embracing Sabbath-keeping practices. And that un-relenting business of life that make a day of rest seem both unattainable and lazy? Well, we get to the bottom of that too.

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