
It's pretty much Daddy's dream for these two to play baseball.  We ask every time any season starts up if they want to play and the answer is usually "no."  Over the summer we found a great place that offers all types of different skills classes for sports.  They really make it fun and play different games that makes practicing and learning skills so much easier.  Plus it's indoors.. I mean score right?

The boys started off the summer doing a soccer class and a baseball class.   Then the coaches asked if we wanted to do the practice league for the summer too.  They had a game each week but they essentially played each other... not other teams or other leagues.  The practice league means you get hands on instruction during the game.  It was the perfect intro for these guys.  7 games.  

They may not have always been happy but they sure did look cute in their uniforms!

But really it was quite funny!  Kids having no idea which way to run, who was their teammate, which base was which.. and by the end of the season.. they ran the right way, got lots of hits, and even made a few plays.   

Pre game skills practice with coach

warming up with Dad 
Team Huddle 
My favorite memories from the season?? Hugs in the outfield!  Hugs on base.  If they were on the same team they migrated towards each other and would hug.. if on the opposite team the base runner would stop and give his brother a hug.  Every. Time.  Oh. And lots of dugout shenanigans!

Summer league 2015 - Age 4 & 5 
Yay!  We survived our first baseball team.. (and maybe even had a little fun!) 

The Riley's 

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