Wrapping up 2014

A year ago I wrote these words for 2014.  "And this year, I have but one goal for me and for my family.  To live in total surrender to God's plans for our lives.  To hear his call, and to respond.  To love Jesus fearlessly and courageously.  To stop keeping score, to wash feet, to be passionate about loving God and His people."

2014 brought so much change in our hearts.  Highs and Lows. Peaks and Valleys. And in all of it, a desire from us to seek Him in new ways. 

We said goodbye to Justin's precious PawPaw with an unexpected trip home in early 2014.   Even reading the blog post now makes my eyes water.  Grateful for the time we spent with family celebrating his life. 

This was the first year in my new role at work which brought its on set of challenges,   Justin surprisingly took a new job.   We both committed to a year long discipleship.   God had big plans for our hearts this year and our marriage.  We celebrated 10 years this past December  and God in His goodness (and mercy for all those years we got it wrong) allowed this year to be the best so far!   

The not so good. We took 2 trips to the ER this year.. resulting in a broken arm for Eli and a cerebral contusion for Beckett.. and lots more gray hair for mommy!   This boy mom stuff is not for the faint of heart... but showed me again how blessed we are too be surrounded by a strong gospel community.  Both times, Justin was in states far away and both time our community rushed to my side to care for us and love us. 

We traveled and enjoyed a huge celebration for the 5th birthday of our little miracles... our first vacation as a family of 4.  California, Disneyland, and Legoland proved to be a magical highlight of the year. 

And I added 4 new siblings to my family! We welcomed through adoption the precious addition of 3 brothers and sister making me the oldest of 7.  

Reading back through my posts from 2014 I wish that I could put into words the transformation God has done in our hearts this year. He placed some very special people in our life that expanded our understanding of what it means to love.  When we failed and were in desperate need of His grace, He provided it.  As we surrendered and became obedient in a new way, He was faithful to see us through the valleys and bring us new praises in the peaks.  

The songs in this slideshow wouldn't be my first choice but they are both of the boys favorite songs.  Our "rocking out" in the car tunes.  One from their favorite movie. One they learned at church and love to sing and I agree ... He never let's go. 

The Riley's
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