And The Months Keep Rolling By...

The months keep rolling by faster and faster as we headed towards 2. These last couple of months have brought so many changes.  In speech, in skills, and in attitude!  

The boys are changing and learning right before my eyes.  Everyday it seems a new word pops out.  Eli has started putting words together. "mommy's shoe. Beckett's chair. Beckett's bed.. "Oh no Beckett" "where is it?" Beckett has even started picking up phrases.  "All aboard choo choo" is their favorite when playing with their trains.  My favorite word they both say is "oyster" our dog.  It is the cutest sound.  Well...besides those sweet sweet Mommy's.  Eli will walk around and look at the pictures on the wall or on the counter and say "mommy" or "daddy" or "Beckett" or "Raleigh" or baby (if its him :-)  We know 1 color and 1 shape!  When we play puzzles or flash card they both can identify and say circle and the color blue which sounds like boo but its really cute.

"No more monkeys" is one of their favorite sayings and games.  They love to jump on the bed, couch or in their beds.  Eli even through in "doctor said" today.  Here is a quick video I caught.. its dark I didn't grab the lights because I was scared I would miss but cute!

The boys have lots of favorite games.  We were recently gifted a kitchen set from our sweet neighbor twin friends.  Who cares if its pink and purple.. it came with all the food too.  We have been cooking it up at the Riley house.  Soup and hamburger are our favorites to make.  Everything is "hot" and of course you must blow it first.  We are learning to put the milk in the fridge and the peas on the stove.  My little chefs :-)

Play dough!  The best and still most favorite past time.

And playing in Mommy's bathroom drawers.  Unfortunately we are learning to "open it" and making "oh no Mommy mess" (Eli favorite)  Just this morning I had to use the makeup remover wipes to get eyeliner off of Eli's hands and arms!

The sweetest time of day?  Mickey and milk!  And now they say "Oso" which is a favorite.  Look at those tans :-)

They love "money" and its really cute when they find change laying around.  They recently wiped my friend Kelly's car clean of change when she came by!  They were so excited about her "money".  Once they get the money they immediately start saying "pig pig" so that we can go to their room and get their piggy banks down.  Once done, each boy returns to the shelf.  It's really sweet.

So to take a break from the cuteness and talk about the "other side" wow. Toddler independence.  Driving me crazy!  Eli and Beckett are "no men" Everything is no!  We have implemented time out.  Look at these cute faces in time out. Sometimes I have turn my back not too laugh. The chair is in the dining room and was recently turned to face the wall.

They do really good I think for their age sitting in the chair.  Sometimes they cry a little but most of the time we have made it past there and they will sit.  They have to hug us when the get out.  We are working on sorry but Eli will start saying "nice nice" as soon as put him in the chair because I always say.. "Are you ready to be nice?" Some of the biggest causes for getting the time out chair.  Throwing toys, throwing food, hitting, pinching, biting, and hair pulling are all top offenses in our house. 

Beckett is doing great with his physical therapy.  He is walking, running, bending, standing, climbing and doing great.  She is working with him on lowering his arms to get a more natural gait and climbing small steps with no support for more strength.  Overall he has done amazing!  And he is such a sweet guy. The best cuddles.  The sweetest laugh.  And overall is a pretty agreeable guy.  Fighting with Eli is his major stumbling block.  It always brings out the biter in him.  Beckett loves books.  Loves them.  He will bring you books all day long and be satisfied to read them over and over.  

Eli LOVES life.  He really loves new experiences and is excited about most everything.  We went to Kroger recently and he loves their carts.  He waved at everyone and said "hey hey" all through the grocery store like he was running for mayor.

He has an independent streak and strong will that results in a lot of time out.  Sharing is a struggle and snatching things from his brother gets him in trouble daily.  He loves dips.  He will eat anything as long as he can dip it.  Chicken in mash potatoes, brisket or fish in ketchup, everything in ranch.  He has one of his momma's guilty pleasure habits.  Doritos and ranch.  

In other big news, he has started using the potty!  We haven't really pushed it and gone all in on the training because they don't do it at school fully until 24 months.  But they change their diapers on the potty now for "pre-potty" training.  4th of July weekend he woke up with a dry diaper.  He immediately started grabbing himself and said potty potty so I put him on his little potty and there he went.  Tee tee by himself!  Since then he has said it a few times and sure enough he goes on the potty. Mostly before bath or when he wakes up.  Really cool.  Once he moves to the next class we will go all in on the training.

And my dancer .. another video for the family.. I know you miss them!

And the sweet.. It's dark and it was quick but Eli give Beckett kisses!

What sweet time with my 2 little ones.  I can't believe how quickly they are turning into little boys right in front of my eye.  While I am proud and work with them to learn and grow, I can't help but be sad too with each month behind us.  Every day Justin will tell them, "I think you grew last night!" Where is the pause button!!