January .. oh.. January
2011 has been crazy! We started off the first week with more visits from family. My brother, Ma, Dave & friend Phyllis came to visit. My mom stayed a week to help out .. Justin went to Chicago (brr!)
My work is insane. January is THE month for us. We prepare for it for months. Managers can have no vacation days. Work 6 days a week. The first week of January with my family here, I put in almost 70 hours.. I feel like it was a total blur. I didn't get any pictures so I am going to have to get them from my Ma because I know she took a ton. Especially our first visit to the indoor playground at ChikFilA. I met them on my lunch one day and the boys had a blast!!
During all of this, mom and I threw a very special baby shower at our house on Sunday. After getting up multiple times in the night with Eli. I will post about that separate.. it turned out amazing!
But the day of the baby shower Eli woke up with a fever.. to make a really really long bunch of nights short. They both got sick. Terribly sick. Which has meant little to know sleep and major job juggling between Justin and I. During all this too, we sprung a hole in a pipe about our kitchen and soaked that. Then came home to Oyster with a swollen face which involved a trip to the emergency vet. Whew. Exhausting. But I think we are finally on the road to recovery.
I feel like I have been terrible about taking pictures. Definitely the worst slacking since they were born but I feel like I am always holding a baby! They have been so needy and fussy with this sickness and it is FREEZING outside.. the combo has not been good.
But some cutie moments with Eli's walking. I often finding him sharing a snack with dad. He is worse than our puppies about "begging" from the table. He wants whatever we have... and most of the time, he gets it!
We have just all been stir crazy with the cold and sickness and not being able to get out as much. We get very inventive and crafty on our games. Here is our new game "boats"
Here is a cute pic from our Walmart outing! Free entertainment.. I know. We wore our Alabama jogging pants so no one would think anything about it! Ha! Just kidding.. really ;-)
My work is insane. January is THE month for us. We prepare for it for months. Managers can have no vacation days. Work 6 days a week. The first week of January with my family here, I put in almost 70 hours.. I feel like it was a total blur. I didn't get any pictures so I am going to have to get them from my Ma because I know she took a ton. Especially our first visit to the indoor playground at ChikFilA. I met them on my lunch one day and the boys had a blast!!
During all of this, mom and I threw a very special baby shower at our house on Sunday. After getting up multiple times in the night with Eli. I will post about that separate.. it turned out amazing!
But the day of the baby shower Eli woke up with a fever.. to make a really really long bunch of nights short. They both got sick. Terribly sick. Which has meant little to know sleep and major job juggling between Justin and I. During all this too, we sprung a hole in a pipe about our kitchen and soaked that. Then came home to Oyster with a swollen face which involved a trip to the emergency vet. Whew. Exhausting. But I think we are finally on the road to recovery.
Poor Oyster at the Vet! |
I feel like I have been terrible about taking pictures. Definitely the worst slacking since they were born but I feel like I am always holding a baby! They have been so needy and fussy with this sickness and it is FREEZING outside.. the combo has not been good.
But some cutie moments with Eli's walking. I often finding him sharing a snack with dad. He is worse than our puppies about "begging" from the table. He wants whatever we have... and most of the time, he gets it!
We have just all been stir crazy with the cold and sickness and not being able to get out as much. We get very inventive and crafty on our games. Here is our new game "boats"
Here is a cute pic from our Walmart outing! Free entertainment.. I know. We wore our Alabama jogging pants so no one would think anything about it! Ha! Just kidding.. really ;-)
We can't wait to be well... and we really can't wait for spring! (and hoping 2011 continues to improve for us :-)
The Riley's