So What Have You Been Up To?

I feel like August has just passed by in a blur and I have barely had time to post and update.  We have had crazy family and friend visits here.  I know I posted about Justin's parent & then my parents but 2 days after they left headed home Justin's best friend from Tampa came to visit and a day after that Ma, Dave & JB came for a visit and stayed a week.  Of course we packed in and had as much fun as possible.

I even found time for some girl time. Leah, her sister Meredith and I went to Painting with a Twist which is the Texas version of Sips and Strokes in Alabama. We had a great time laughing, sipping wine, and painting... teacher went a little fast and was a lot more "free form" so the type A in me kept redoing my painting but it turned out okay. Not my best work but we were able to customize the colors and its hanging in my bedroom now.  I smile everytime I see it thinking of the time spent with friends.

While Justin's friend was here and he was having a boys day. I braved the mall by myself with the boys.  I had a gift certificate to Anthropologie I had been dying to use and I never get time to shop so I loaded them up and off to The Woodlands we went.  We had a great time.  We stopped by the Disney store (and I resisted the urge to by all the Mickey stuff for Beckett since thats his favorite) just a quick pic.  We shopped for hats.. still on the wish list for the fall.  And we helped mom try on clothes.  This was crazy!  They did not have a dressing room with a door wide enough to get the double stroller through so I had to take both babies into the dressing room with me.  The sales girl asked if I wanted some pillows.. she brought me, I kid you not $500 worth of pillows for sale for the boys.  Eli kept trying to crawl out under the door and one time he made it and took a hard left into someone elses dressing room.  Fortunately, they thought he was cute :-)  We also ate our lunch in the dressing room.  Whew.. I did manage to find 2 really cute tops.  Both Beckett and Eli liked them too.

We had a great time visiting with Uncle Bubba, Ma, and Dave. While they were here, we squeezed in a trip to the Galloways for swimming and visiting their sweet twin boys.  I can't believe how much they have grown and of course are precious.  Eli loved to chase their dogs and Beckett said hi to his friends too.  The boys were thrilled to have Uncle JB here to sing to them and play with them.  And of course, their Ma & Dave who not only arrived with new toys picked up a couple of new toys for them while they were here.  We made a quick trip to Austin while they all visited too.. but hopefully I can post more about that in the future.

Justin and I went to The Woodlands to the Jack Johnson concert.  I took the day off work to keep  the boys in the morning so the nanny could come and work at night.  What a special day to spend the morning with my little boys and a date night with my hubby.  We went to The Woodlands early and actually went out to eat (with no kids!).   As we headed to The Pavillion we got a special treat, Jack Johnson was playing on the side stage before the show.  What a treat!  I had my small camera with me so it doesn't take that great of pictures but he did walk right by me!  Precious..  We had lawn seats (my favorite) and we got a little nervous because it poured.  Actually we were sitting in our chairs in the lawn about 3 or 4 rows up and we went down to meet some friends.  I actually turned around to the people behind us and said would you mind keeping an eye out on our chairs.  They said sure.  So we head down and see The Galloways and Fryars for a few minutes.  Thunderstorm comes.. huge lightening, pouring rain.  You can see all the people in the lawn running down to the bottom to try and get out of the rain.  The rain finally stopped about half way through the 2nd opening act and we headed back up.  I told Justin that there was no way our chairs were still there after that huge stampeded.  But to my surprise the sweet people behind us still had our chairs!  The concert was awesome.  We danced and sang and played in the mud :-)  A great evening with great music.

Eli & Beckett are doing fantastic.  Eli is into everything. Seriously. You can not turn your back on him for a second and he is gone.  He stands and cruises on things.  He gets a new knot on his head every day.  He has 1 huge top tooth now for a total of 3 teeth and another starting to poke through on the top.  Beckett has finally mastered the tummy without having  a huge fit.  He can pull himself up on all 4's and do a little rocking motion.  If he tries to move or crawl he falls but that is HUGE progress for my big man.  He has always HATED being on his stomach.  It makes him so mad to watch Eli, he wants to chase him so bad.  I think a couple more weeks and he will get the hang of it.  The doctor says the bigger the baby, the hard it is to crawl and walk. 

 Beckett is feeding himself now though.  We are almost totally off the jars and on table food which is awesome.  Eli has always been kind of a difficult eater but not with the table food!  He is eating peas (which he hated) and even broccoli.  He just hated the purees.  They both have discovered a love of Goldfish crackers.. but daddy loves though too!  We went to eat after church today and they ate chicken & dumplins and fried catfish with tartar sauce.  Both were a hit! 

Beckett & Eli will agree with one of my favorite Jack Johnson songs... "It's always better when we're together"


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