Driving the Cart

I must say I was a bit more excited about this than Justin. For a couple of weeks I have been eyeing the big red carts at the grocery store and thinking the boys were finally at the stage where they could drive it.  So we head off to the grocery store for a little family shopping.  Justin was very hesitant about this but seriously, I knew they were ready.

We buckled them in and immediately Eli grabs the steering wheel and starts driving. He did not take his hand of the steering wheel until we took him out at the car! 

Look at these 2 sweet little heads!

Dad checks our buckles (again)

This was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.  Beckett would cry and Eli would reach his little hand out and pat his shoulder (never taking his eyes off the road or his hand off the steering wheel)

Beckett started to get fussy towards the end so I picked him up. Justin put our watermelon up front with Eli. He took his little hand and held on to the watermelon with one hand and drove with the other.  He drove us all the way back out to the car and sat there playing with the steering wheel while we loaded the car and then drove us into the cart corral.

Isn't it really just the little things in life
 that bring you such joy?

Love, The Riley's