5 month update

We took the boys today for their 4 month check up.. just a month late :-) They got a great report!

Eli weighed 17 lb 6.5 ozs (75th percentile) and Beckett weighed 18 lbs 1 oz (76th percentile) which is amazing considering how far they have come since their first appointment (3rd percentile) She had no concerns about their weight gain at all. We are short though! They are both 24 1/4 inches long which is only the 10th percentile. She discussed it with us and pretty much said the best we could hope for is "average height". No surprises there, as much as Justin likes to fudge his height, he is short too. In head size, Beckett came out ahead :-) of Eli. 90th percentile for him and 75th for Eli.

They aren't rolling yet. Which isn't a huge concern since they were a month premature but will be if it doesn't happen soon. It's not for lack of practice though, we roll and roll across the bed and floor all the time practicing! We learned that the "rash" on the back of Eli's neck is actually a birthmark. It's called a storkbite.. where the stork picked him up and dropped him off. We knew he had a little one on his eye.. called an angel kiss. The doctor said most likely the angel kiss will fade but the storkbite will stay.

The boys have been eating so good. They are loving their vegetables and we had a fruit tonight. We now eat sweet potatoes, squash, peas, and pears. I was concerned we were giving them to much because they basically suck down the entire jar each in record time and I had read online about a tablespoon serving at first. The doctor said to give them as much as they will eat. We can even do stage 2 as long as the combo items that we eat have already been given individually to check for allergies. The stage 2 jars are much bigger which makes it more economical for us to buy and the boys just split a jar. It worked well with our pears tonight. She said we could introduce a little juice if we wanted but we are skipping that and she said that is perfectly ok. Just water if we take a walk or they outside for awhile between feedings. There will be plenty of time down the road for juice when they are older.

I can't wait to see what else they will gobble down. Next up, carrots, green beans, bananas and apples. And lots of rolling around!


The Riley's