Toad-ally Awesome Valentine's

So I finally got a Saturday off!! This is the first Saturday off since going back to work after maternity leave. Justin and I made big plans to go to St. Arnold's brewery and do the tour and then go with some friends to see the weiner dog races out at the horse track. Things didn't go quite as planned. We thought we were doing so good leaving early to get to the brewery. We planned on getting there, getting a table, and feeding the boys before heading to our tour. BIG MISTAKE. There were seriously like hundreds of people there. I am not kidding. I mean, St. Arnold's is a big brewery. Where did all these people come from. They were prepared. They had food, games, chairs (brought their own) etc. What did we have??? Two small infants and no where to stand, much less sit, and nothing to eat. The lines were insanely long. My husband's body makes him anatomically unable to sit on the floor. Or so he says. So I sat on the floor and fed the Eli, he stood and fed Beckett. Then he went to get in line to get our first taste. After what felt like forever, he came back and I looked at him and just started laughing. I was miserable! He was miserable. Only Beckett and Eli were having a good time. (and were looking mighty cute I do say) We packed up and gave up and decided to go grabl something to eat. Well, the restaurant took forever and by the time we got home we were well passed feeding time. Boys were hysterical. Refused to take naps. Ended up screaming for 2 hours before we finally got them to bed. Needless to say, my friend's text me video of the weiner dog races and thats the closest I came.

Sunday morning was a new beautiful day. I woke up to a dozen red roses, chocolate strawberries, pancakes and bacon. Yum! We got the boys up and fed and headed to church. Boys went to the nursery and I did not cry! See.. I am getting better. After we got home, the boys took a great nap. My mom gave them this balloon for Valentine's day and it's their new favorite game. They take turns holding on to it and they laugh and smile. I have now played hours of talking like the frog and making up songs while it bounces around. Over and over and over again. It was a beautiful day so we got to go on a family walk. The boys and the puppy dogs. We finished off our Valentine's day with steaks and creme brulee. The boys decided they much rather stay at home and play with mom and dad :-)

Hope you all had a Happy Valentine's Day!! Love, The Riley's
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