Coming Soon? Quick Update
Went to the doctor today. Ultrasound was great. Baby A is 5 lbs 7 oz and Baby B is 4 lbs 14 oz so they are both doing great. Heartbeats, fluids, etc all got a great report. The concern is with me right now. My blood pressure continues to be elevated which is a concern. I did a 24 hour protein test and blood work. We will know more once we get the test results back. Basically the doctor said, if the results come back high.. you could have babies this week. If the results come back low, and your blood pressure stays steady, you could have a babies next week. They will continue to monitor me and weigh the rewards of keeping these babies in vs the risk to my health. We will go back on Thursday for another check but should know the test results in the next couple of days. We are asking for prayer for low protein, no signs of toxemia, and my blood pressure to hold steady. We really want to make it 36! We are so close right now at 34 and 4 days. Please keep us in your prayers.