First Week Home and 31 weeks

This was my first week at home! Monday we had our dr's appt with ultrasound and I was almost 31 weeks. The boys looked great... although very very squished. Baby A weighed 3 lbs 14 ozs and Baby B weighed 3 lbs 7 oz. They continue to gain weight at a good pace.. and so does mom! We will go to the doctor every week now until the big day whenever that might be. We talked in depth about signs of preterm labor and what to do in case I have any consistent contractions or leaking of fluids. We just continue to pray that these babies will stay in their home all nice and healthy until at least 36 weeks.

I have enjoyed being at home. Fortunately I am not on strict bed rest, so I am able to do things around the house. I have all kinds of projects that I have worked on. Washing the babies clothes and putting them away. Lined their drawers with scented liner (it smells so good), organized and cleaned out the pantry in the kitchen, more work in the nursery closet, etc. I wake up.. no sleeping late. These boys are kicking and hungry by 7:00 every day. After breakfast, I do my devotional and have some quiet time. Then I work on a little project until about 10:30 and have a snack and nap. Then wake up and have lunch and work a little more. Then afternoon snack and nap with Daddy when he gets done working. Dinner, relaxing, and off to bed again. Amazing how little I am swelling now in the legs and feet. My ankles and lower legs look almost normal again. And feel so much better. I actually enjoy cooking dinner because I can't take my time and feet and legs don't hurt so bad. I hear work is crazy and stressful right now from the updates they text me. So glad to be able to have this time before the babies come. I certainly know that I am blessed and I am grateful to be able to take care of myself and these boys.

One of the projects I worked on was getting all their ultrasound pictures scanned into the computer. I read that the ultrasound photo paper doesn't last forever and is heat sensitive so I scanned them all in so I can print on long lasting photo paper as back up. We have so many! Its amazing to see the progression.. what a testament to God's incredible power. That babies grow from those tiny little dots on the first ultrasound. As they get bigger, its been harder and harder to get good pictures from the ultrasounds. The last good photos I have are from the 27 week ultrasound. I am including them here because they are just too sweet! Baby B was hiding his face (again) and Baby A had Baby B's foot right in his face!

We are waiting on a couple of items to come in for the nursery so we can finish decorating. Can't wait to get that done and see how everything turns out. I will posts pictures as soon as we do.

Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement.. we are in the home stretch now!
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