What's brewing in Texas?

During Christmas I started looking for something for my father in law for Christmas. He loves fruit wines so I stumbled across several websites that had home wine making kits. In my search to find him the perfect kit, I discovered home brewing. This is illegal in Alabama (its called boot legging :-) But its not in Texas! Home brewing is a huge hobby here. There are brew shops that you can go to that have all the supplies you can imagine including tons of barley, hops, malts, bottles, etc. Its crazy! So for Christmas I gave Justin the ultimate home brewing kit. Its like an adult chemistry set. It takes about 3 weeks per batch and it makes 2 cases at the time. Justin's first batch is a Belgium Tripel and my first batch that I made today will be a honey wheat. We can taste Justin's in 2 weeks but it will be 3 weeks until the unveiling of my special brew. We will be having a get together for the taste testing. Until then, The batches are chilling in our brew room - otherwise known as Justin's office!
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