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I was raised eating boiled peanuts and playing the fiddle in the friendliest city in the south; one of those people who grew up attending church any time the doors were open. Sounds like a perfect start in life, right?”

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Just the facts? Find her official Bio here.


She was a girl who ran away from God as hard as she could, but her story didn’t end there. Her story is ultimately a testament to God’s faithfulness to redeem and restore. It’s the story that God wants to tell in all our lives, and today Luann travels the country as a gifted communicator, preaching the Gospel. Luann’s authentic voice resonates over and over with “the one” - the one who feels unseen and disappointed and unloved - reaching them with the transformative love of Jesus that saved her.



She loves nothing more than opening her Bible, studying, and then telling anyone who will listen about what she’s learning. She does that over coffee, in small groups, from the pulpit, and at conferences.

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“Without a doubt Luann's energy was contagious and the way she integrated some of the relational discoveries during lunch modeled for us the intentionality and authenticity of her approach. There was clarity and movement in her presentation and not once did I feel the need to sigh ‘let’s keep it moving’ (a sigh that I have been known to give every now and then). Luann has a gift for presenting a needed message.”

/  kip gilts, District superintendent, txumc  /


A new podcast hosted by Luann Riley and Hannah Connor